Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Blog Post

This week, we played our classmates’ games and provided feedback. This experience allowed our group to see how our game’s progress came along in comparison to those of other groups. We also gained compliments and criticisms which helped further develop the game.  Because we shared a similar concept to the actual game of Donkey Kong, many players found our game enjoyable and easy to play. The comments we received helped us improvise on the rules and structure of the game. We decided that each player will begin the game with three tiles. For every round, each person takes a tile from the pile. Players roll the die and their turn from this point is determined by the die roll. The die used is a Korean die consisting of four pieces, each with two sides. When the side with words faces up, players can build; when the blank side faces up, players can move. One of the four die has a symbol on the blank side. When this side shows up, players earn coins. A three of a kind roll allows the player to roll again for an event character. It may also allow players to take away an event character.

Each character has different powers

Bullet Bill - Everyone loses their top row except for the player
Shy guy - Inhibits building of angled pieces while in play 
Koopa - Inhibits building of flat pieces while in play 
Bomb-Omb - After three turns, destroys three pieces of row of board if not removed
Para-Goomba - Cannot acquire coins while in play 
Lakitu - Player may roll coin die again if roll is unsuccessful.  

The basic goal for the game did not change. The first player to build to the top row of the board and also move his/her character to that piece is the winner. This week was crucial for our group in the sense that we were able to finalize many parts of our game. By reinforcing the faulty factors of DK's Reprisal, our group had a successful turnout.

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